Redefining feathers – Origins Collective@Eventra Ramadan Fair


With Ramadan, also comes a whole lot of designers’ exhibitions and fairs with them displaying their crafts and I happened to visit one such fair called the Eventra Ramadan Fair 2013 organised in the Sunset Mall.

The fair had some really interesting stalls and one called the Origins Collective, particularly drew my attention with lovely feather earrings, hair accessories showcasing funky colours and designs. And being an ardent accessories-lover and collector, I was compelled to spend some good time at the stall admiring this very cool idea of using feathers as hair extensions.

Ruchika Sangal, the woman behind Origins, explained to me how she came out with this unique idea. The stall also had some gorgeous bracelets, necklaces and earrings. The collection is very apt for adding to those summer dresses and has that ‘girlie’ feel to it with the use of a lot of charms in the bracelets and hand-cuffs.

For women, who like to make a style statement by wearing something unique, I recommend Origins Collective is worth exploring.

Here is the link to them :
